
SVP Thumbnail

Switzerland: Demographics and the SVP

Assembled using D3.js, this interactive data visualization allows users to relate various socio-economic factors with the platform of the Swiss Peoples' Party: the country's most popular (and also most divisive) political party. Selected as a staff pick at Visual.ly.

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Laconic History of The World

This sprawling typographic map fits the most common word in each country's 'History of ____' Wikipedia article to the boundary of the country itself. The resulting map, though fun to explore, exposes some uncomfortable truths about how the modern world came to be. Featured at Huffington Post, The Atlantic, FlowingData, and more.

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Video Games vs The Middle East: A Digital Battleground

A long-form infographic investigating the use of modern warfare in the Middle East as a setting for video games, and the resultant sociopolitical fallout. Gamers, developers, governments, and militants collide when real-world conflicts become mass-market entertainment.

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Fiction/Reality displays a collection of places transformed by works of fiction. Created with a playful aesthetic (and a fully custom basemap!), this map demonstrates how explosively popular works in the popular culture can leave a very literal mark on the landscape - for better or for worse.

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Moments in the History of OpenStreetMap

A richly illustrated timeline of major milestones achieved by the OpenStreetMap community, in celebration of their 1 millionth registered user. Intended to demonstrate a unique, alternative approach to traditional information visualization.

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Green Bay LakeViz

Green Bay LakeViz is a sophisticated geovisualization tool that brings together historical data, topographic surveys, and climate models into a deeply interactive exploratory interface. The tool provides a very local-scale case study at how climate change may influence flood hazards for Lake Michigan coastal communities.

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American Manufacturing in the New Millennium

The decline of America's manufacturing sector is an infamous phenomenon, and one that has persisted well after the post-war boom gave rise to the nation's 'rust belt'. This flash-based animated map depicts how cities throughout America are seeing manufacturing jobs continue to disappear.

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Recreation in La Crosse, WI

A fully custom icon set, designed for the recreational features of La Crosse, Wisconsin. Integrated using the Google Maps API.